8 International Operator’s Meeting

On Friday, 3 February 2023 IMPREG’s 8th International Operator’s Meeting ended.

Operator’s Event 2023

8. Internationales Anlagenführertreffen 2023 von IMPREG VeranstaltungsraumThe annual International Operator’s Meeting is one of the TOP events in the pipe and sewer rehabilitation industry. Networking, further training and workshops are on the agenda for three days.

Presentations and workshops took place at IMPREG’s headquarter in Ammerbuch. A team consisting of 6 people, led by Nicole Schellmann (Marketing) ensured that everything ran smoothly.


Facts & figures on the trade event

This year the free places were in great demand and booked up within a very short time. Numerous (application) technicians, distributors and partner companies had registered to attend the plant leader meeting and to expand their expert knowledge. Furthermore, the important high-quality certificates of participation were awarded afterwards.
Daten & Fakten:

  • Fully booked event with 150 participants from Europe, (South) America and Doha.
  • Interpreters in FR, EN, ES and PT.
  • Get together meeting at the H+ Hotel Herrenberg on 01.02.2023
  • Technical presentations, workshops and an exclusive customer evening on 02.02.2023
  • Production site tour of our IMPREG Liner on 03.02.2023


Renowned exhibitors

In addition to the IMPREG products, three well-known exhibitors from the industry were represented at the event to present their innovative products and solutions:

  • ProKASRO
    » “Holistic solutions for sewer rehabilitation and UV technology from Karlsruhe, Germany
  • Streicher
    » “System solutions for the maintenance of underground drainage infrastructures from Kressbronn at Lake Constance
    » Complete solutions and specialists for civil engineering, wastewater and stormwater systems from Geisingen, Germany


Top-class speakers & workshops

Five technical lectures were on the programme, which were held by absolute specialists in the industry. Roland Hahn (Head of IMPREG Liner Technology) was the moderator.
The topics and speakers were:

  1. Update of the installation manual (Oliver Vorlop – Head of Application Technology, IMPREG )
  2. Polymerisation and curing (Prof. Dr. Jörg Sebastian, SBKS)
  3. Identify and evaluate defects (Hendrik Klar, ISAS)
  4. Leakage test after the installation (Christian Harth, Kuchem GmbH)
  5. Thermliner – heat from wastewater (Jürgen Quaas, Uhrig GmbH)

After the presentations and lunch, the workshops started in 6 small groups and six stations. When planning the workshops, the focus was deliberately placed on a high practical relevance to the daily work of application technicians with UV-curing pipe liners. As a result, the participants were able to try out, practise, learn, ask relevant questions and exchange ideas with each other.

A bus shuttle took the participants to the respective locations, including our traditional customer evening. This time we came up with something special and took everyone to the Teufelwerk in Nagold. In the old industrial hall, which serves as an event location, we dined exquisitely in a relaxed atmosphere. As a surprise and highlight of the evening, gaming tables such as Black Jack and Roulette were available after dinner under the motto “Las Vegas”. The games were played with fictitious money and the focus was on fun and games.

On Friday, 3 February, the participants who had not yet left were able to take part in our factory tour and look behind the scenes of the IMPREGLiner.

Overwhelming Feedback

Our concept, which we optimise from year to year and adapt to customer needs, was excellently received. “Excellent” and “Perfect” was the positive feedback from our participants. We are very pleased about this and it confirms to our organisation team that the effort is worth it every time.
We would like to thank all speakers, exhibitors and participants for their contribution to our TOP event. We are happy to take these experiences with us and are already looking forward to the 9th International Operator’s Meeting 2024 from 31.01. – 02.02.2024!

Impressions Operator’s Event 2023

Referent Prof. Dr. Sebastian und Roland Hahn auf dem 8. Internationalen Anlagenführertreffen in Ammerbuch   Referent Prof. Dr. Jörg Sebastian Firma SBKS auf dem 8. Internationalen Anlagenführertreffen 2023

Referent Hendrik Klar M. Eng. Firma ISAS GmbH - 8. Internationales Anlagenführertreffen bei IMPREG Ammerbuch   Referent Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Christian Harth von der Firma Kuchem auf dem Anlagenführertreffen 2023

Referent Jürgen Quaas von der Firma Uhrig auf dem Anlagenführertreffen 2023   UV Kern ProKASRO - Kooperationspartner und Aussteller Internationales Anlagenführertreffen 2023

Liner Ei-Profil Packer   IMPREG Schlauchliner Ei-Profil Packer

Einzug verdrehter Liner - Workshop Internationales Anlagenführertreffen 2023 bei IMRPEG   Internationales Anlagenführertreffen 2023 Workshop Qualität eines Probestücks bestimmen