Hanover Technical Academy ( Technische Akademie Hannover e. V. or TAH) offers multiple certified courses across four modules annually in collaboration with the German association of certified modernisation consultants for drainage systems (Verband zertifizierter Sanierungsberater für Entwässerungssysteme e. V., or VSB). The courses last several days or weeks and go into both theoretical and practical aspects in detail. An expert team of lecturers teach complex content and key elements relating to specialist topics. Participants who complete the course are then able to professionally understand the full complexity of sewer modernisation, plan this process and resolve any issues.
Participants must be qualified engineers or building technicians and road wastewater maintenance professions with at least three years’ professional experience. As a result, this course assumes thorough knowledge and expertise in this specialist field. Participants must successfully pass a final written and oral examination to obtain their certified sewer modernisation consultant (ZKB+) certificate, which is valid for five years.