IMPREG Summer Party- Come as you are!

“Come as you are” – we live this philosophy at IMPREG, and it was also the motto of our company summer party 2022.

Summer party instead of Christmas party

Invitation IMPREG employees summer party 2022Since the Christmas holidays in 2020 and 2021 had to be canceled due to the pandemic, we decided this year instead to organize a summer party for our staff. The event was held at the premises of IMPREG’s headquarters in Ammerbuch.

Although the summer party was held on a Saturday afternoon and participation was voluntary, we were very pleased to see that 70 people accepted the invitation and showed up for this company event. The invitation included only the date and location but there was no mention of a dress code (come as you are).


Teambuilding activities & fun in focus

Guests were visibly surprised when they arrived at our summer event. The management had transformed the grounds into a small amusement park for fun and games, in addition to providing refreshments for body and soul. The assignment from above was clear to everyone: show skill, master team tasks and simply have fun!

Thanks to thorough preparation and organization, all participants were quickly briefed on what they had to achieve in order to reach the target. 8 groups competed against each other and had to excel at varied exercises, as well as complete all the different game stations. Among the team’s tasks were:

  • Painting team flags (creativity & diversity)
  • Stick catching (reaction & speed)
  • Summer biathlon (precision & skill)
  • Gladiator bouncy castle (balance & tactics)
  • Shootout with balls (sensibility for 30/35/40 – 70 km/h)

Skill and teamwork at the IMPREG Summer Festival 2022   Teamwork task painting flags - IMPREG summer party 2022   Drawing Team IMPREG   Creative flags by IMPREG employees   Gladiatoren Hüpfburg - MA Sommer Event IMPREG 2022   IMPREG staff summer party 2022 - Parkour





The highlight of the evening was the “Chain Reaction” game at the conclusion of the team-building part.

The game Chain Reaction (similar to Domino Day), focuses specifically on manual skills, creativity, and coordination in the team. Our participants had the opportunity to build communication, cooperation and troubleshooting skills as they worked to build a stable contraption.
The game is set up as follows:

    1. Each team (in this case 8) has one station 2 meters apart
    2. One object is available (e.g. plastic pipe, football, wooden slat…)
    3. Material aids include adhesive tapes, wooden slats, and sticks, strings, etc.
    4. All teams must collaborate to make the chain reaction work seamlessly.
    5. Time limit: 40 minutes
    6. The goal: For the 8 teams to work together to launch a small rocket into the air

This was the first time that the game was successful from the very first try which has never been the case before at similar events organized by ATM. The video of a staff member which was accidentally recorded also confirmed this.


Support from the region

The summer party lasted about 5 hours and ended with delicious and varied catering. The event was organised by ATM Corporate Events from Rottenburg, a regional company. It was not the first time the two organizations have worked together due to to IMPREG’s values of quality and regionality. In addition to this, we obtain 100% of our green electricity (AmmerNatur) from the Ammerbuch municipal utilities and cooperate with other regional service providers.

Especially in turbulent times like these, we are all the more pleased that our spontaneous summer party provided a day of celebration, team-building and tasty food and drinks. Naturally such a team event raises heightened expectations for the future. This is a challenge that our management certainly takes to heart and we are eagerly awaiting what more intriguing ideas our management will have for any upcoming events.