Successfully graduated from IHK Training

Melis Abdulahovic successfully completed his IHK (International Handelskammer – International Chamber of Commerce) further education to acquire an IHK certificate in business administration.

IHK training in Focus

Our employees like to take advantage of the IHK training courses as part of their continuous adult education. That is no surprise since the degrees that are recognized at levels 6 and 7 are equivalent to bachelor’s and master’s degrees, respectively.

As a result, employees and IMPREG alike benefit from maintaining, revising, and expanding their professional skills. In the end, such qualifications increase personal satisfaction and thus also add to the quality of our work.

Whether our employees train to become an IHK export manager , a qualified professional trainer (AEVO) or an accredited sewer rehabilitation consultant, who is professionally up-to-date, our team continues to expand their expertise and proficiency. Melis Abdulahovic has now joined the ranks of other successful graduates.


CBA (Certified Business Administrator) Melis Abdulahovic

IMPREG employee Melis Abdulahovic successfully passed the IHK further training as a business economistMelis Abdulahovic has supported our IMPREG team since 01.07.2018. He started his professional career as a clerk in the area of production planning and control. On 01.01.2021 he took over the role as a team leader in production planning and control.

On February 10, 2020, he passed the examination in business administration at the Stuttgart Chamber of Industry and Commerce in parallel with his full-time job. On 28.11.2022, Melis also successfully passed the rigorous advanced training to become an IHK (certified business administrator).


IMPREG promotes and is proud of our Team

Our company promotes ongoing training for its employees and pays for all training costs. We are very proud of the fact that our team members continuously increase their qualifications and thus improve the quality of our work. Several employees have already taken advantage of our offers and completed their exams successfully.

We would like to take this opportunity to say: Congratulations to you Melis, and here’s to a long and successful partnership!